Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Mystery of Ancient eclipses

  Since 2017

 I have been doing a thesis outlining the history of the peoples of the Near East, trying to time it at the right point in history. Observed solar and lunar eclipses have been used in the thesis.
Another significant departure from traditional historical research is the application of biblical chronology. It can be noticed that archeology supports biblical history in many places. It is therefore not a surprising assumption that another type of biblical history, the chronology found on the pages of the Bible, could be reliable in determining the dates of history.
This treatise is called The Mystery of Ancient eclipses, its last edition was published on November 2, 2023. If you want a printed version for yourself, this edition can be found mainly in European online stores. This blog contains the main points of this thesis. In addition, less important details have been removed from some chapters.
Relevant comments are of course welcome. :)

Pekka Mansikka, Finland

Book The Mystery of Ancient eclipses

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