Was Cushan-Rishathaim a king of Mitanni? The Bible tells us that Cushan-Rishathaim, King of Mesopotamia, has oppressed Israel for eight years. His identity could not be linked to the history of any ancient nation. He is estimated to reign in northwestern Mesopotamia or Aram-Naharaim. Based on this, he could have reigned in the territory of ancient Mitanni.
However, there are some similarities between Cushan-Rishathaim and Tushratta, King of Mitanni. First, both names are assumed to consist of two parts. The name of Tushratta is split as Tush-Ratta or Tvesa-ratha (Sanskrit).
The end of Cushan-Rishathaim's name is apparently a byname or a distortion of his real name, as it is understood to mean "double wickedness." Moreover, the first part of his name can also be spelled Kushan.
So the question arises that is it possible that the first part of Tushratta's name was pronounced "Cush" or "Cushan" at that time? Another similarity relates to the end of the name - "Ratta", "Rishathaim". The similarity is that both words begin with the same letter - R. Did the Israelians mock the end of his name to "rishathaim"? It may well be possible.
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